Constipation during Pregnancy

What Causes Pregnancy Constipation?

Many women suffer from constipation during pregnancy. The main reasons of constipation are listed below:

  • Hormonal changes which occur in your body later in pregnancy can relax some muscles, including the ones which squeeze food along the digestive tract. This can prevent foods from moving along the bowels easily.
  • Iron supplements are also a common cause of constipation in pregnancy. Normal iron supplements do not absorb well in the digestion process, and very little iron makes its way into the bloodstream. Much of it is left in the intestines. The leftover iron binds with other undigested substances to become sticky and tar like, and does not move well out of the bowel.
  • The weight of the baby within the uterus, sitting on the intestines and the impact this has on abdominal space.
  • Changes in movement, dietary intake, nausea and vomiting. Reducing the amount of fluid circulating in the body has an effect on overall bowel function.

How to Prevent Constipation?

Eat a high-fibre diet

Eat high-fiber foods such as whole-grain cereals and breads, brown rice, beans, and fresh fruits and vegetables every day.

Drink plenty of water

Try to have 8-10ounce cups of water or other beverages each day. Some people find that drinking a warm liquid right after waking up helps get things moving.

Cut out drinks that make you were more often, such as tea, coffee, and cola. These diuretics may dehydrate you and make your constipation worse.

Exercise regularly

Walking, swimming, riding a stationary bike, and yogacan all help ease constipation and leave you feeling more fit and healthy.

Consider your supplements and medications carefully

Iron supplements are unnecessary as long as the diet is adequate for pregnancy. If you are unable to get enough iron in your diet, there are herbal extracts to supplement your iron intake which do not cause constipation. Adjusting your diet and ceasing the iron supplements will bring fairly quick relief from constipation.

Stay away from stimulant laxatives

Laxative pills are NOT recommended for the treatment of constipation during pregnancy because they might stimulate uterine contractions and cause dehydration. They are not also all safe. Talk to your practitioner before taking any constipation medication or remedy.

Get your fill of bacteria

The probiotic acidophilus — found in yogurts that contain active cultures — stimulate the intestinal bacteria to break down food better, aiding the digestive tract in its efforts to keep things moving.


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