

  • Towliat S.M, Moghadam J, “Anorectal Diseases 1 (Fissure and Hemorrhoid)”, Morsal Publication, 2005
  • Towliat S.M, Bangesh M.N, “Anorectal Diseases 2 (Abscess and Fistula)”, Teimourzadeh Publication, 2008

Papers in International Journals

  • Towliat S.M, et al., Comparison of Colonic J-pouch and Straight Coloanal anastomosis after Low Anterior Resection, Iran Red Crescent Med J., 2013
  • Towliat S.M, et al., Milligan-Morgan Hemorrhoidectomy vs. Stapled Hemorrhoidopexy, Trauma Monthly, 2012
  • Towliat S.M, et al., A novel haptic robotic viscogram for characterizing the viscoelastic behavior of breast tissue in clinical examinations, The International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Ass., 2011
  • Towliat S.M, et al., Hemorrhoidectomy vs. Stapled Hemorrhoideopexy, Trauma Monthly, 2011
  • Towliat S.M, et al., A New Rigid Fistulectomy Set for Minimally Invasive (Core-Out) Excision of High Anal Fistulas, International Journal of Biological and Life Sciences, 2010
  • Towliat S.M, et al., A medical tactile sensing instrument for detecting embedded objects, with specific application for breast examination, International Journal of Robotics Surgery, 2010
  • Towliat S.M, et al., Earthquake related injuries: Assessment of 854 victims to tertiary referral hospitals, Medicine, 2008
  • Towliat S.M, et al., Predicting negative appendectomy by using demographic, Clinical and Laboratory Parameters, International Journal of Surgery, 2008
  • Towliat S.M, et al., Semi closure method in surgical management of chronic pilonidal sinus, Annals of Iranian Medicine, 2006
  • Towliat S.M, et al., Lateral internal sphincterotomy under local anesthesia (randomized clinical trial), European Journal, 2006

International Conferences

  • Towliat S.M, Multidisciplinary Management of Pelvic Floor Diseases, Italy, November 2016
  • Towliat S.M, Colorectal surgery-progress and rectal cancer treatment in Iran over 20 years, VIII. Internationales Coloproktologisches Symposium, Düsseldorf, Germany, January 2015
  • Towliat S.M, Problems in differential diagnosis of rectal cancer and solitary rectal ulcer, VII. Coloproktologisches Symposium, Düsseldorf, Germany, February 2013
  • Towliat S.M, Pelvic exenteration in recurrent rectal cancer, Invited Speaker, 1st International and 35th National Congress of the Association of Colon and Rectal Surgeons of India, Dubai, UAE, September 2012
  • Towliat S.M, Differential diagnosis of solitary rectal ulcer and rectal carcinoma – is it a challenge?, Colorectal Cancer Conference, Mayo Clinic, USA, May 2012
  • Towliat S.M,comparison of stapled hemorriodopexy with milligan – morgan hemorrhoidectomy for grade III and IV hemorrhoids, ESSR, 2011
  • Towliat S.M, et al., Results of straight and J-pouch coloanal anastomosis six months after low anterior resection (randomized clinical trial), 12th Congress of Asian Federation of Coloproctology, 2009
  • Towliat S.M, et al., Comparing postoperative pain and patients satisfaction between conventional hemorrhoidectomy and Doppler Guided, Hemorrhoideal Artery Ligation (DG-HAL), 2008
  • Towliat S.M, et al., Earthquake related injuries in 854 counties of the 2003 Bam disaster incident who transported to tertiary referral hospitals, 43rd Essr Abstract, 2008
  • Towliat S.M, et al., Less invasive treatment in Hemorrhoid, 1st Annual Congress on Coloproctology, 2006
  • Towliat S.M, et al., Early feeding after gastrointestinal Anastomosis, 40th Congress of the European Society for Surgical Research (ESSR), 2005
  • Towliat S.M, et al., The role of botulinum toxin injection in chronic anal fissure versos internal sphincterotomy, 40th Congress of the European Society for Surgical Research (ESSR), 2005