Prevention of Intestinal Bloating

Abdominal bloating is a condition in which the abdomen feels uncomfortably full and gaseous, and may also be visibly swollen. There are some useful ways to prevent abdominal bloating which are mentioned as bellow:

Eating the Right Foods

  • Try and avoid foods that can cause flatulence. The most infamous bloating triggers include: apples, beans, cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage, dairy products, lettuce, onions, peaches and pears.
  • Limit the fatty, processed junk. High-fat, high-sugar foods take longer for your stomach to digest and thus your stomach is fuller for a longer period of time.
  • Limit your salt intake. Salt leads to bloating. And the reason is because the more salt in your body, the more it desperately clings onto water.
  • Avoid hot spices. Black pepper and chili powder stimulate the release of stomach acid. Other hot ingredients, like hot sauces and vinegar, do the same. When the stomach releases acid, it causes irritation, which can worsen bloating.
  • Avoid drinking soda and those dinks that made from sugar substitutes.
  • Take your time. With the busy lifestyles that many of us lead it is very easy to get into bad habits that may cause us to rush meals. When you eat quickly you may unwittingly swallow air along with your food, which then gets trapped and causes bloating.
  • Don’t use a straw. The more gulps of air you take in with that food or drink, the more that has to get processed in your body. It has to get rid of it somehow, so it turns into bloating and gas.
  • Eat little and often. This keeps your metabolism ticking over nicely and prevents the kind of hunger that can lead to large portions.
  • Exercise. Physical activity, especially in the morning before breakfast prevents the build-up of gas and encourages bowel activity.
  • Avoid stress. Stress can hinder digestion in many ways.

Right Habits


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